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Teach Yourself Norwegian

These vocabulary drills are keyed to the 1997 edition of Margaretha Danbolt Simons' Teach Yourself Norwegian, which should available at any Barnes & Noble, Borders or B. Daltons bookstore. It can also be ordered on-line from or Barnes & Noble. Two versions are available: the book by itself, or the book with two cassette tapes. (Note: Contrary to the information on's web site, Margaretha Danbolt Simons is the sole author of the current edition of Teach Yourself Norwegian. Alf Sommerfelt & Ingvald Marm were the authors of older editions, but Simons' edition is an entirely new -- and better -- book).

Note for touch typists: Two tabs will place the cursor in the answer box, an Enter key is the same as clicking on the "Submit Answer" button.

(Last Updated May 22, 2002)

Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit 7
Unit 8
Unit 9
Dialog 1 (not tested)
Dialog 2 (not tested)
Dialog 3 (not tested)
Adjectives 1 (not tested) Adjectives 2 (not tested) Time (not tested) Misc (not tested)
Unit 10
Unit 11
Unit 12
Unit 13
Unit 14
Unit 15
Unit 16


Prototype Vocabulary Drills

These are a couple prototype lessons I put together when I was writing & testing the vocabulary drill software. They are based on Marm & Sommerfelt's 1971 edition of Teach Yourself Norwegian. The vocabulary tends, shall we say, to be a bit quaint.